Chuck Verro



At different times in our lives most of us feel overwhelmed by circumstances which seem to rob our enthusiasm and self-confidence. Whether it’s dealing with stress, depression, strained relationships, compulsive behaviors and addictions, or just old patterns that leave us worn-out, depleted, and hopeless. Life as we thought it would be just isn’t happening. 

If you’re in that place I’d like to help you.  In our work together, we’ll look at your story without judgement in a safe, secure and comfortable environment. We’ll look at historic influences and patterns that shaped your present. We’ll work to create a new life story which will be based on self-understanding, new skills and a resilience grounded in hope for a better future.

The clients who see me – individuals and couples - come from a wide spectrum of backgrounds. The common denominator is they feel stuck and want to experience life in a healthier way. They want their personal relationships to be energizing, their careers fulfilling. They want to wake in the morning looking forward to their day. Together we can do that.

While I assist clients in a variety of areas my primary specialty is working with individuals and couples whose lives have been significantly interrupted by sex addiction. The devastation is never just limited to the addict. The partner’s life is turned upside down from the moment of discovery. This discovery or betrayal trauma shows itself through behavior patterns the same as Post Traumatic Stress. Both addict and partner need an experienced and specifically trained therapist to walk them through their individualized recovery. For that reason I’ve completed a rigorous certification program to become a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) and am close to completing the Certified Clinical Partner Specialist program (CCPS).

I am also one of the founders of “The Counseling Group,” here in Vancouver: a group of sex addiction savvy therapists who have combined their wisdom and training in one office to collaboratively help individuals, couples and families find their way to a healthier, sex addiction free life. You can find out more about “The Counseling Group” at


“Chuck used Godly wisdom and wise counsel to guide me back through my childhood to help me recognize when, where and how I was caught-up with sexual addiction. Often I had referred to myself as “an orphan son of missionary parents,” not fully aware of how that situation impacted my life. Today, I am no longer a slave to my addiction and I have tools to turn temptation into victory. Thanks Chuck!” –JA