Getting Grounded Workshop

Recovery basics for sex addiction.

Early in recovery it’s easy to get frustrated by stubborn old patterns and habits that just won’t let go. Understanding your addiction, coupled with a solid plan, can make all the difference. To do this we’ll draw from a variety of resources that will give you the tools and understanding you’ll need.

Here’s what we will be exploring:

  • Understanding compulsive sexual behaviorsEstablishing a personal circle plan.

  • An understanding of your vulnerabilities.

  • Strategies to cope with those vulnerabilities.

  • A clear understanding of how recovery fits into your larger picture of life.

  • Building a relevant relapse prevention plan.

Upcoming Opportunities


Friday, May 8th // 6:30am,-8:30pm
Saturday, May 9th // 9am-12pm

Early Registration Discount by April 10th: $80.00
After April 10th: $100


Friday, June 26th // 6:30-8:30pm
Saturday, June 27th // 9am-12pm

Early Registration Discount by May 5th: $80.00
After May 5th: $100



Ready to get started or need more information?

Email, call or fill out this form to contact Chuck Verro for additional information on counseling or group services. (360) 901-2841